Content Harry Potter


Aelita posted a comment on Sunday 24th February 2008 9:15am for Goodbyes

Ummmmmm, please update, or make a sequel, it is just sooooo good! I love it! Thank you!

Minerva Granger posted a comment on Wednesday 20th February 2008 2:41pm for Goodbyes

I know it says this story is completed, but I think it is really mean of you to leave us hanging like that. I want to know what happens next. Please?

Decumo9 posted a comment on Monday 28th January 2008 1:35pm for Goodbyes

sweet story, and it deserves a sequel, there are still loose ends to be tied up, and you are a wonderful author, hopeful you decide to do the sequel sometime soon, if at all.

LesPaul posted a comment on Friday 25th January 2008 1:36pm for Goodbyes

Great story. Excelent writing. Will there be a year 6 follow up? At this point it's AU so who cares about cannon. This story is fun! There is so much potenial pranking of teachers and others, that Fred and George would be proud. Please continue with a incredible story.

IssaBissa posted a comment on Thursday 24th January 2008 9:50am for Goodbyes

I absolutely LOVED this story!!!!! Is there hope for a sequel? I would love to see the story play out with school and finishing off of voldy. You are a talented writer!!! Keep up the great work!

Immortalitis posted a comment on Wednesday 9th January 2008 1:04pm for Goodbyes

That was AWESOME!!!

I had my fears when I read the name of the last chapters, but they were unfounded.

A truly marvellous story that had you gasping, groaning and slamming your head into the desk at the weird humor.

Write more!


Ken Somers posted a comment on Saturday 1st December 2007 1:14pm for Goodbyes

I would love if you did a sequel to this story it was great, keep up the great work

ffaelf posted a comment on Thursday 29th November 2007 11:40pm for Goodbyes

Congratulations. You have (somehow) managed to make me fall in live with H/T...BRAVO!

vasilis01 posted a comment on Thursday 29th November 2007 4:40pm for Goodbyes

You have an excellent story. I hope you are going to have a follow up.

DAUFahnder posted a comment on Sunday 11th November 2007 8:51am for Goodbyes

PLEASE, at least close the loose ends;). I would really like to see how Harry gets DD to allow him the use of this little tool! Or what Harry will do with his share of Grunnings! Just one last Chapter please!

drkjester posted a comment on Tuesday 6th November 2007 11:07am for Goodbyes

Great story. I would love to see a sequal to it. I think you have left everything wide open for however you wish to take them.

SarahOL1 posted a comment on Monday 5th November 2007 7:49am for Goodbyes

Wow, that was outstanding! And your OCs were absolutely fantastic...I'm so impressed by your fleshing out of a peripheral character like Tonks, and I really loved your Harry characterization. I always enjoy a good Harry-is-ridiculously-powerful fic, and this really hit the spot! The amounts of effort and talent you poured into this are both apparent and astounding. Your fic just blew me out of the water...

scribbler posted a comment on Wednesday 31st October 2007 2:46am for Goodbyes

God, what an amazing story. I love it. You've done such an incredible job and I am deeply impressed. I was up until 4 am reading it and still didn't finish...but I just could not stop reading. It's wonderful and you should feel really good about what you've done. It's awesome.



LesPaul posted a comment on Saturday 20th October 2007 9:44pm for Goodbyes

Great story. Is there going to be a sequel?This storyline and ending is set up to follow into the schoolyear.

vladimir mithrander posted a comment on Saturday 20th October 2007 5:10pm for Goodbyes

fuckin awesome. must continue. this has been one of the best straight fanfics of harry's that i have read in the couple years that i have been reading them. it is simply amusing to no end. i do hope though that little dwaco gets a clue. he has always been one of my favorite characters. oh and dumbles bashing is always met by a very hearty laugh. again great work plz keep it up. Vladimir Mithrander

Danster posted a comment on Saturday 13th October 2007 7:41pm for Goodbyes

Great story... I couldn't stop reading it. The character building of Harry was fantastic, and the depth of tonks was equally amazing!

I'm looking foward to a sequel.

ProfessorBinns posted a comment on Thursday 11th October 2007 12:24pm for Goodbyes

My Lord,

I must say, when I started this fic I was a bit hesitant. For one, I am a strict Harry/Ginny shipper (or so I thought). For another, I was troubled by how downright arrogant and mean Harry acted. Finally, I was a bit worried about how rich and powerful you made him.

However, you won me over, point by point. Your Tonks is so much more real than those we usually meet. Harry's character development is very convincing. And all the action is believable, too. Indeed, the politically complex world you create is actually more satsifying than what JKR did in DH. (Hers makes sense from a authorial perspective, of keeping the narrative line clear; yours makes sense for how the world works and how wars are actually have actual training, and actual alliances...very sharp!)

Thus I am dying for the next fic! Please Please does this end????


pamie posted a comment on Friday 28th September 2007 10:03pm for Goodbyes

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!


xD Sorry for screaming at you. xD

Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Thursday 30th August 2007 12:38pm for Goodbyes

Well, I must say this has been a thoroughly enjoyable story. I like Harry as an unspeakable, this was original. I certainly hope we get to see your take on Voldemort's demise. I don't want this story to end. You have a lot of talent and depth. I'm looking forward to reading other work by you. - Erik

oso983 posted a comment on Sunday 19th August 2007 7:44pm for Goodbyes

Hi, I already read this story for the second time. It is really amazing! Do you plan a sequel? I would really enjoy it!